Monday, September 26, 2011

New York Observer

Got an email to do another inside illustration for the Observer, this time about Paul Ceglia. For those of you who don't know him, Ceglia is a convicted drug con (among other things) and claims to be one of the founding benefactors of Facebook. He apparently has an email from 2003 between himself and facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, in which they discuss how Ceglia asked for too much ownership of the company, and Zuckerberg could only let him own 50%.

Below, I wanted to include the initial sketch with my original idea in addition to how it turned out in the end.

Washington Post

Welp, it's been awhile since my last post, so I thought I would take the time to put up what I've been working on recently.

This one was another cover Illustration for Washington Post's Capital Business Section. The cover story was about some companies that take advantage of financially struggling universities by paying the schools to let someone from the company to teach a class. This way, after the class is over, the Company has created an ideal candidate for hire.